The Aquinas Series

St. Dominic Parish and St. Dominic Sacred Music are proud to sponsor the second installment of a brand new series of lectures and presentations titled “The Aquinas Series.” Known as the ‘Angelic Doctor’, St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), a Dominican, was perhaps the most influential Catholic thinker and writer of the Medieval Church.
The Aquinas Series will bring Catholic thinkers from a variety of disciplines — architecture, poetry, music, medicine, and more. These presentations are intended to engage our parish family and community of supporters and reflect the mission of St. Dominic Sacred Music. Join us in exploring the Church’s cultural heritage through goodness, truth, and beauty.
The inaugural lecture of the Aquinas Series “Sacred Architecture: How to Read a Church” with Nick Petrillo.
The Aquinas Series: “Arriving at Amen” with Leah Libreso-Sargeant
The virtual presentation of The Aquinas Series, “The Angelic Doctor: An Introduction to Thomas and His Philosophical Contributions to the Medieval Church,” with Dr. Anthony Crifasi.