“To always be united with Christ: This is my life’s program.”
~ Blessed Carlo Acutis ~
Blessed Carlo Acutis was born in London, England, on May 3, 1991 to an Italian Catholic Family who were parishioners of Our Lady of Dolores parish. Although originally from Italy, the family resided in London due to work. Later that year, his family’s work situation moved them back to Italy, to Milan, where they joined the Parish of Santa Maria Segreta.
Carlo’s younger years consisted of things that would be considered ‘normal’ or ‘typical’ of children. He is often recalled as being a warm, generous, and spontaneous young boy who occasionally found himself in rowdy behaviors. Carlo loved sports, playing video games, funny jokes, and discovering all things about the computer. Over all these interests and attributes, the gift of his Faith was his greatest and strongest influence.
From a young age, Carlo had a deep understanding of what it means to be dependent on Almighty God and to seek a relationship with Him. His Faith was not something he kept quiet about. Carlo would embrace any opportunity he was given to share the love of our Lord and the gift of His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, with others. Carlo radiated joy – a joy which originated from the richness of frequently encountering our Lord in the Eucharist and other Sacraments.
Upon receiving our Eucharistic Lord for the first time, Carlo wrote in his diary that :
“When I receive Jesus, I become more like Jesus.”
Blessed Carlo is most know for his efforts to use his skills with computer programming to create a digital encyclopedia/website wherein all of the Eucharistic Miracles throughout history could be shared via the internet.
As a teenager, Blessed Carlo was diagnosed with Leukemia. His sufferings did not hinder his radiant joy – as Carlo dedicated his suffering to the Lord, the Pope, and the Church. Blessed Carlo entered into eternal rest on Oct. 12, 2006, at the young age of 15 and was beatified by Pope Francis on Oct. 10, 2020. His remains are displayed at the Church of Saint Mary Major in Assisi. He is the first of the millennial generation to be beatified by the Catholic Church.