Parish Online Giving
Saint Dominic Parish is pleased to offer you the ability of setting up recurring or one-time basis Church donations using your credit card or automatic withdrawal from your bank account (ACH). The process is completely handled by you, the donator.
By accessing the secure Website, you create a log-on and set up or modify your payment schedule or even to make a one-time donation. Once you set up your account, you can make changes whenever you want; no phone calls are necessary to the parish office to change or even cancel your arrangement. Eliminate writing checks each week!
One time or recurring donations can be made through our secure online partner using direct debit from bank account or credit cards. You can designate the fund that you wish to donate.
Using our NEW ONLINE GIVING SYSTEM you can manage your account through your PC, tablet or phone. You can even “quick-donate” via text message to: (732) 858-0131
Text: fund for a collection list. (Standard text messaging fees may apply.) Thank you for your prayerful generosity!
250 Old Squan Road
Brick NJ 08724